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Esco Pharma Rolled the Tide to the Windy City


Esco Pharma introduced its solutions to optimize biomanufacturing process, the tide motion bioreactor system, for the first time in Chicago.

The Pharma EXPO ran from November 6 to 9, 2016 at the McCormick Place in Chicago, IL.

PharmaEXPO attendees got the chance to see both the CelCradle™ system and the TideCell® system. The laboratory scale, CelCradle™ system, is an ideal system for autologous cell therapy, as a single bottle can produce from 500M (5E8) to 1B (1E9) adipose-derived or bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells; a cell density that is required for a single patient. The CelCradle™ system can also be integrated into the cell processing isolator, CradlePro-Iso. The system features all the necessary equipment used in cell therapy including a bioreactor for cultivation and centrifuge for cell harvesting in an aseptic environment. It is also easily customizable, depending on the client’s requirements and process.

Mr. Ryan Clayton introducing the Esco Pharma technology TideCell Game Esco Pharma Team with the winner

Mr. Ryan Clayton introducing the Esco Pharma technology

TideCell Game

Esco Pharma Team with the winner

And to make it more exciting, Esco Pharma prepared a game to test estimation skills. The person who guessed the closest or exact number won an exciting prize from Esco.