Spin-column based and manual extraction systems require repetitive pipetting steps that can introduce human errors into the extraction process. This may cause false positives and negatives which could impact patient management.
Automated nucleic acid extraction systems provide robust solution for more consistent and reliable nucleic acid extracts.
- DNA Extraction
- RNA Extraction
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Must-have features to consider:
- Variety of Swift™ Extract kits for different types of samples
- UV light-enabled for decontamination
- 8-strip tips consumable to prevent cross contamination
- Open system for use with magnetic-bead based kits
- User-friendly UI for real-time display of running programs and parameters
A purified nucleic acid sample is necessary to aid in the analysis for various applications such as PCR, northern blot and sequencing.
Polymerase chain reaction works by amplifying the nucleic acid of interest. This target region should be easily accessed and separated away from unwanted inhibitors and cellular components - which are all achieved by nucleic acid extraction.
Manual nucleic acid extraction commonly uses spin columns containing filter that binds to the nucleic acids, and washed repeatedly through centrifugation steps. Automated nucleic acid extraction on the other hand, commonly employs magnetic-bead based technology which automates the lysing, washing, and elution steps of extraction.
The results of downstream applications of manual and automated nucleic acid extraction system are comparable to each other despite manual extraction reportedly having slightly higher quality and yield of generated nucleic acids.
These extraction systems use kits that include lysis, wash, and elution buffers (also found in manual extraction) as well as magnetic beads. Magnetic beads bind to the nucleic acid and attracted to rods that are found in the extraction machine. When bound, nucleic acid + beads are transferred from well to well to proceed to lysing, washing, and elution.
Compared to the average 95% harvest efficiency in the market, Swift™ Extract automated nucleic acid extraction system has 98% harvest efficiency.
Swift™ Extract 8-strip stips for rod protection and blank plates are available if end-user decides to use other extraction kits aside from the recommended Swift™ Extract kits.
Swift™ Extract kits are available depending on the sample and target nucleic acid.
Esco Swift™ Extract automated nucleic acid extraction system can accommodate 20-1000 µl volume of sample.
The total run depends on the kit used and usually takes 35-60 minutes.