13 Units of Esco Ducted Fume Hoods Installed at the Oceanography Research Laboratory in Jakarta

“It will be the place for expert, scientist, and researcher to have an invaluable experience, attain excellence, and contribute to innovation in Oceanography research,” said Dr. Ariani Hatmanti S.Si., M.Si, and Head of Laboratory.
The Pusat Riset Oseanografi - BRIN, formerly known as LIPI Oceanography, has built a new laboratory facility called Gedung Pusat Data Nasional Ekosistem Pesisir (National Data Center for Coastal Ecosystem) in Ancol, Jakarta. It was constructed as a legacy of the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (COREMAP) funded by the World Bank. The laboratory will become fully operational early this year.
The eight-floor research facility is aimed to be a regional hub for Oceanography research, furnished with the integrated instruments and other facilities to support collaborative research in Indonesia and internationally.

Newly installed Esco Frontier® Acela Ducted Fume Hoods and Envirosafe Fume Scrubber inside the facility.
“User safety and convenience are one of our top priorities, a good laboratory must be equipped with proper standardized equipment as well. I saw Esco’s fume hoods in (the) National University of Singapore before,” said Intan Suci Nurhati Ph.D., Project Leader.
We at Esco Lifesciences are honored as our Frontier® Acela Ducted Fume Hood and Envirosafe Fume Scrubber were chosen for the research laboratory. Esco's certified fume hoods with ergonomic features are the safest choice to reduce the risk of chemical exposure and protect the end-users from chemical hazards.
Our fume hoods come in a variety of sizes and configurations, ensuring that there is always an Esco fume hood that meets your needs.
Read more from here: Chemicals, Ducted Fume Hood Technical Resources
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